Sound Therapy uses the power of sound and vibration to enhance well-being and health.
It is a branch of alternative care that helps with physical and mental issues. It relates strictly with music therapy, which is already used with a wide range of subjects from children with disabilities to patients in intensive care.
It does so through the help of instruments and techniques that are particularly suited to produce strong vibrations. This has a palpable effect on the physical body and encourages specific processes in the brain.
The most immediate benefits that almost everybody experience are deep relaxation and an increase in mental clarity.
Several researches have shown beneficial effects for severe conditions such as Alzheimer and degenerative brain diseases, given that sound at low frequencies positively affects not only the auditory cortex but also cerebral areas that regulate memory and cognitive functions.
Sound therapy can also be used as a form of psychological therapy and to cultivate creativity.
Such ideas have been around for millennia and it has been proven that voices and drums have been used since the dawn of civilization for healing and collective rituals.