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Drum Circles are some of the oldest ways in which human beings come together to make music and perform rituals.

Our drum circles are mainly performed with shamanic drums, but please feel free to bring along any type of drum you have!

Why join a drum circle?

Some people are very passionate about drum circles and know exactly why, although it may be hard to put it into words. Nevertheless, they have zero doubts about the fact that they leave feeling much lighter than when they arrived. This is already an excellent reason to decide to try one.

Scientists from several types of disciplines have been providing various explanations to explain why human beings have been drawn to drumming for more than 8,000 years. Sociologists and anthropologists have long reported about how collective drumming reinforces the sense of community and is part of healing techniques for sick individuals in traditional cultures. Modern science tells us that drumming can modulate specific neuroendocrine and neuroimmune parameters to counteract stress (Bittman et al. in Alternative Therapies, January 2001, vol. 7, n. 1). The literature about the endless benefits of musical improvisation is also a great source to explain why drumming is so important to human beings.

During a drum cicle the connection to both rhythm and fellow participants is intense, effortless and relieving.

Drumming can alleviate all sorts of stress for both neurological and social reasons (you can find out more in our Resources section). It can improve relationships, help participants with letting go of unhelpful behaviours and beliefs and form new, deep bonds without the need to say a single word.
The exploration of and interaction with your body reaches levels that are hard to experience with any other activity.

Drum circles provide a non-judgemental space where every individual can express as little or as much as he/she’d like. It has no contraindications and it is a great way to resolve conflicts and help you navigate difficult emotions and situations.

Drumming is a joyful, shared, liberating experience that connect us to each other and gives us the opportunity to re-centre ourselves.

Spread the Moksha!

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