A massage with Himalayan Singing Bowls is a sweet and comforting experience thanks to the soothing range of harmonics that is produced by these instruments.
Himalayan Bowls are known in the sound therapy world as the ‘sonic cuddle’: they gently rock clients into relaxation, peaceful states of mind and a sense of reassurance.
A Himalayan Singing Bowls Massage is performed by resting the bowls on the line of your spine and/or moving them around on the back of your body – I generally concentrate on the back and shoulders but it can also include legs and feet. In the second part of the treatment, I will ask you to turn on your back and I will use the Bowls to hover slowly over your upper body and gently introduce the final Therapeutic Percussion Sequence.
I witnessed clients opting for this treatment stopping to have panic attacks and back pain. Everybody loves the gentle reverberation they feel by being in contact with the bowls and describe it as deeply felt but yet very kind. Himalatan bowls are the safest among my instruments but still powerful and inspiring, a call to gentleness in a world often defined through sharp edges.