I am committed to offer treatments following the highest standards for the prevention of the spread of Covid-19.
I have already done so last summer and before the national lockdown that started on 2nd November, so it is possible to safely receive a treatment if both of us stick to the following simple rules.
After careful consideration and in accordance with official guidelines, I have implemented further precautionary measures to protect both clients and myself. Please consider the following guidelines detailed below.
If you have any questions or require further information it is essential that you contact me directly before attending your appointment. You can find all the contact details in the ‘Contact’ section or in the top section of this website.
BEFORE your treatment:
please let me know immediately in case you develop any Covid-19 symptoms before your appointment, believe that you have come into contact with someone who is infected, or if you are at a high risk to become seriously ill if you contract Covid.
If at all possible, please avoid very crowded spaces for at least 7 days before your appointment.
ON THE DAY of your treatment:
- Have a disposable mask ready and wear it just before the treatment. I will have spare ones available in case you forget it.
I will wear an FFP-2 mask and a face shield (cleaned or disposed of between each treatment). Please let me know if you are uncomfortable with any of these. - We will wash our hands immediately when you enter my premises or I enter yours. I will have hand sanitiser available for you to use.
- I will ventilate the room before and after your treatment.
- I use a plastic cover over the massage bed for sound treatments. This gets thoroughly disinfected between each treatment and any fabric sheet laid on it is washed at high temperature. I use paper towels as much as I can and dispose of them as soon as the treatment is over.
For massages, I change and wash at high temperatures all the sheets that are used during the treatment (this was the standard procedure even before the current pandemic).
AFTER your treatment:
If you develop symptoms after you have your treatment with me, you will need to let me know.
If at that point you still haven’t been tested, I will stop seeing other clients, be tested, and inform any clients whom I have been in contact with after your session.
If you take a test please still let me know your result and/or if you develop symptoms, as I will still need to inform any other clients and stop seeing clients until you get your test results. I will resume offering treatments only after taking a test and if its result is negative.
I will let you know in case I develop symtomps and/or suspect that I may have inadvertly put you at risk od contagion.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read all the guidelines and protecting me and my clients, I look forward to treat you soon!